Google kicked the SpankingApp.

So I just got around to check out why my app no longer is online,


and it turns out Google has kicked it.

Here’s the screen shot:


What would you like me to do? As developer I’m still deploying it locally on my own device, so I don’t care.

The app didn’t get the best reviews, either – only early adopter gave it 5*. After that, I got a bunch of 2* – 3* (with no comments whatsoever, very helpful). I can’t say that I’m mad but the lost time and all the wasted efforts don’t make me happy, either.


Has the app gained any fans here? With the lack of comments and interaction here as well as in the Google play comments, I’m not inclined to redevelop it. What do you guys think?

9 thoughts on “Google kicked the SpankingApp.

  1. Tabris Reply

    I’m apple guy, so I couldn’t download the app
    Sad to hear that has been erase.
    Love the idea of the app.

  2. JJ Reply

    I was really interested in this idea. Was disappointed when I saw it wasn’t available anymore. Would definitely give it a go if it ever reappears.

  3. obiryndenobi Reply

    Love the idea dude! It sounds great and I DEFINITELY WANT ONE!!!!!!! Please DO NOT STOP DEVELOPING IT!!!

    But you may need to take it over to a less prudish site, than clearly google is! Most people this would interest wouldn’t know where to find it here. I just stumbled on it with a web search for ‘spanking software,’ but how many ‘normal’ people do THAT!!

    Try Major Geeks or Source Forge as open source software sites. Also POST THIS on FetLife and THEN see the reaction!!

    Also Miss Chris used to have a page of spanking software on her old (now defunct) site and might be interested in this. Contact her on her new site at and she may be able to help you more than I can, but DON’T GET DISCOURAGED! You just need to pick a better site for this!

    Do you have a portable or pc version I can get off you that doesn’t require a WiFi connection?

    • Tony from Spankingapp Reply

      Thanks for this great comment! I haven’t posted it on many sites … what kind of festlief sites would you recommend? Another commenter suggested I upload it on Mikandi, an adult app store … what do you think about this? Right now there’s only a mobile version, because I figured a mobile app is way more utilisable. I could expand it for example to publish the spankings online and more, but right now I’m somewhat discouraged, yes. Tony

  4. obiryndenobi Reply

    I just found this and I WANT ONE!! But stupid prudes at google are too busy developing free hate speech apps for Shitler!

  5. Justin Reply

    You could try to put the app onto Mikandi or other adult appstores, it might mean paying for it, but at least people who want the app can get it.

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