Please use this Contact Form to write us.

If you have any ideas or wishes how SpankingApp could be improved, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.


thespankingapp at gmail com

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11 thoughts on “Feedback And Contact!

  1. Pauline V. Reply


    I would like to propose a link exchange deal with your website, for mutual benefit in getting more traffic and improve search engine’s ranking – absolutely no money involve.

    We will link to you from our blog –, from its homepage’s sidebar. In return you will agree to do the same to link back to one of our of our site, from your’s homepage too (sidebar, footer, or anywhere on your homepage), with our brand name.

    If you are interested, kindly reply to this email.

    Thank you,

  2. Pauline V. Reply


    I would like to propose a link exchange deal with your website, for mutual benefit in getting more traffic and improve search engine’s ranking – absolutely no money involve.

    We will link to you from our blog –, from its homepage’s sidebar. In return you will agree to do the same to link back to one of our of our site, from your’s homepage too (sidebar, footer, or anywhere on your homepage), with our brand name.

    If you are interested, kindly reply to this email.

    Thank you,
    Pauline V.

  3. Pauline V. Reply


    I would like to propose a link exchange deal with your website, for mutual benefit in getting more traffic and improve search engine’s ranking – absolutely no money involve.

    We will link to you from our blog – (PA 28, DA 17), from its homepage’s sidebar. In return you will agree to do the same to link back to one of our of our site, from your’s homepage too (sidebar, footer, or anywhere on your homepage), with our brand name.

    If you are interested, kindly reply to this email.

    Thank you,
    Pauline V.

  4. Brett Bevill Reply


    My name is Alan and I’d like to pay you money via paypal to post content on your website. How much would you charge for something like that?


  5. Pauline V. Reply


    I would like to propose a link exchange deal with your website, for mutual benefit in getting more traffic and improve search engine’s ranking – absolutely no money involve.

    We will link to you from our blog –, from its homepage’s sidebar. In return you will agree to do the same to link back to one of our of our site, from your’s homepage too (sidebar, footer, or anywhere on your homepage), with our brand name.

    If you are interested, kindly reply to this email.

    Thank you,
    Pauline V.

  6. Pauline V. Reply


    I would like to propose a link exchange deal with your website, for mutual benefit in getting more traffic and improve search engine’s ranking – absolutely no money involve.

    We will link to you from our blog –, from its homepage’s sidebar. In return you will agree to do the same to link back to one of our of our site, from your’s homepage too (sidebar, footer, or anywhere on your homepage), with our brand name.

    If you are interested, kindly reply to this email.

    Thank you,
    Pauline V.

  7. Pauline V. Reply

    Hi there, Pauline here from I came across your website, and noticed some broken links on it. Would you be interested if I have them sent over? Best, Pauline

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