Let’s talk a little about SpankingApp’s details. You want to know what it has to offer.

First of all, a warning:

This software contains reference to corporal punishments (spanking, caning, etc.) used as a form of discipline  (sexual game or even very real punishment, in Role Playing). This is for adults only. Please do not use this software  if you are not above the age of 18 or if you are offended  by such material.


Now let’s begin.

What is SpankingApp?

SpankingApp is an Intelligent punishment deciding and logging software. It decides what punishments are to be administered for a particaular offense. The decision is based on many factors. These include things like

  1. The culprit
  2. The pain threshold of the culprit (low, normal or high)
  3. Additional punishments required
  4. Previous punishment history

and a few more factors.

SpankingApp logs the punishments to a file (The punishment book!). So it knows when a person repeats an offense (So that the culprit gets more punishments!)

This app is also a good a game for spankophiles. It can be used  while playing spanking games to decide exatly what should
be given. The element of mystery adds to the thrill (You just don’t know what you are in for till the app tells you!)

And what more, SpankingApp is configurable.


Details: How to use SpankingApp

SpankingApp  is organised like most apps these days with a context menu, i.e. a click on the three lines on the left side shows the menu.



The blog list can be updated by pulling it down.



The Spanking Generator can be used for an individually created Spanking or you let it decide based on the offence.


Then, it’s time to go for it.


The punishment book shows the results.


What are your experiences?


4 thoughts on “Details And How To Get SpankingApp

  1. obiryndenobi Reply

    Download link is missing or down. Google lists as ‘not found!’

    Is there a pc or portable version?

    • Tony Reply

      Right now only a mobile version – I could develop a version for windows, but there should have to be enough demand…

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