My Quest For A Spanking Playmate

This blog continues to attract this search query, and by inference, people who are themselves hoping to find the right person, in the right place, who wants to spank them, or be spanked by them. My previous posts on this subject, Is Online Behaviour Important, and Seeking Spanking Partners are read daily, and…

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What Frustrates Me in Spanking – And How I Got over It

According to Chambers Online Dictionary: frustrated adj1 a feeling of agitation and helplessness at not being able to do something. 2disappointed; unhappy; dissatisfied. 3 unfulfilled in one’s ambitions for oneself. 4 not sexually satisfied. spanker noun 1 someone who smacks. And their thesaurus suggests that I am: disappointed, discontented, discouraged, dissatisfied, disheartened, embittered, resentful, angry, annoyed, thwarted, blighted, repressed. Yes, I…

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How To Do Age Play!

Acting out a roleplay where at least one of the participants assumes a role much younger than their real age is commonly known as ‘age play’. In theory, I imagine it is possible that a person could act a role much older than their true age, although I have never…

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